Kairos Works

Vanessa Faronto

Best Photography & Videography

From the initial conversation, Kairos Team was very professional and accommodating. Despite all the challenges during the pandemic, with a few postponements on dates due to state lockdown and the difficulty of Covid restrictions, they were always flexible and recommending different ideas to make things work.

On the pre-wedding and wedding day itself, despite the travel all the way from Melbourne and the rainy weather on the wedding day, Davy and team always put their widest smiles and being very agile and suggestive. We are quite a camera-shy couple, however, Davy is very calm and gentle and that made us very comfortable, just like being pictured by a close friend. He is naturally skilful and talented; we can see it from the outstanding quality of the photos itself. The result of the photos was done within a few days and they are all amazing, much more than our expectation was.

Thank you Davy, Naomy, Steve and the whole Kairos Team for making the best memory of our pre wedding and wedding day! :) We are very happy and really appreciate you guys and thank you for going extra miles and maximum effort to provide the best service ever. Looking forward to another occasion where we can be photographed by Kairos team again 😊

See Aldridge & Vanessa Photos

Rica Herza

Hmm..The Best Vendor?

Gak perlu panjang lebar..pengalaman gw bersama kalian so far the best lahhh!! Suami jarang muji orang jd sekalinya dia muji orang percayalah.. Semua orang di Kairos the best dan sabar banget ngeladenin kita berdua.. Dari lamaran, prewed, pengajian, akad, dan resepsi gw yg cukup gila dengan banyaknya tamu dan permintaan2 yg gak hanya dari gw tp juga dari keluarga gw.. Kalian bisa ngatasin itu semua dengan cepat..

Hasil2 foto dan video nya juga sesuai dengan yg gw mau.. Klo dari gw..yg paling gw suka itu..kalian bener2 ngebiarin gw dan suami untuk menggila..gak ngebatasin kita buat “pose” dan di saat udh bingung pose pun kita di bantuin..di arahin pose..

Good luck buat kalian semua kedepannya ughh Interact sama kalian tuh kocak2 dan seru banget.. Tinggal tunggulah klo ada acara lain lagi 😜 Fufufufu 👍🥳

See Reza & Rica Photos

Deasy Hartanto


Ketemu & kenal Kairos itu di Bridestory Fair 2020 dan langsung ketemu Artha. First Impression dengan Artha yaa "nih orang niat banget ya sampe jelasin sedetail-detailnya, humble parah orangnya" padahal disitu kita masih nyari-nyari vendor, dan belum tentu dealing sama mereka, tapi mereka bener-bener sepenuh hati melakukannya. Karna penjelasan dari mereka yang membuat kita yakin bahwa Kairos merupakan pilihan tepat buat foto dan video kita.

Sesi pertama foto kita itu Prewedding di Bali yg fotoin kita Artha, dan Video Matthew, ini merupakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan, kita flight disaat bali baru buka penerbangan karna situasi pademi. Tiap minggu kita lihat regulasi pemprov bali dan deg-degan karna gatau bisa berjalan on schedule atau tidak. Andy itu gabisa bergaya selain gaya formal, dia bukan tipe juga yang di foto, dia lebih suka fotoin. Tapi Artha & Team sabar banget arahin gaya dan bantu milihin angle terbaik untuk foto. Mereka bener-bener berjuang banget sih untuk pertahainin mood, biar foto bagus, Oh yaaa sesi foto ini dengan 4 look, hasil foto banyak dan tentu saja BAGUS BANGET. Selain itu pas persiapan mereka bantu kita banget hubungin vendor (mua, rental mobil antik, rental mobil buat foto) yg akan kita pakai di bali.

Karna kita happy banget pas prewedd di bali, kita memutuskan untuk prewedd lagii! HAHAHHA Sesi kedua kita Prewedd di Bandung, dengan Artha dan Matthew lagi.. Pas memutuskan untuk prewedd lagi, artha langsung blg akan buat vibes yg berbeda dengan foto bali. Foto dengan 4 look, tapi di Bandung ini lebih casual dan lebih fun kali ya. Karna sebelumnya udah romantic-romatic gt waktu di Bali.

Di bandung sih ktia lebih cepet fotonya dan lebih banyak lagi karna kita udah tau harus gimana, karna udah pernah prewedd jadi lebih mudah diarahin gaya dsb. Dan tentu saja tidak jaim lagi sih. Artha dan Matthew selain profesional mereka juga friendly banget sih. Mereka bisa treat kita sebagai customer dan juga sebagai teman, jadinya kita nyaman banget sama mereka.

Sesi Ketiga, kita prewedd 4 Hour- studio ini merupakan bonus karna waktu itu kita dealing di bazar sekalian dengan cynthia tan. Foto studio ini kita dibantu dengan Anton. Konsep fotonya lebih simple dengan 3 Look. Foto studio gakalah seru dengan bali dan bandung tentunya. Hasilnya ya lebih art dan fashion sih karna kita buat konsep seperti itu. Anton itu ide gayanya banyak banget. dia helpful bantu cari gaya...

Akhirnya setelah semua sesi prewedding tibalah disaat salah satu acara utama dimulai yaitu sangjit. Foto dan video Sangjit kita di bantu dengan Anton sebagai Photographer dan Matthew sebagai Videographer. setiap angle pun di shoot dan di video yang membuat semua foto yang diambil sangat bagus dan videonya pun yang dibuatkan sangat memorable. Tim Kairos sangat responsif dalam mengatur persiapan untuk sesi foto dan lainnya.

Tibalah di hari Wedding, di hari wedding ini dari Tim Kairos yang turun sangat meriah karena ada Artha, Steven, Matthew, Anton, Diaz, William, dan Editornya. Untuk hasil foto tidak perlu dipertanyakan lagi dan hasil video SDE nya luar biasa sangat bagus. Mereka sangat ramah dalam proses sesi foto dari pagi sampai malam dan mampu mengatur mood dimana kelelahan pun tidak terasa. Sesi foto bersama berjalan dengan sangat baik bahkan untuk foto beautyshoot pun sangat banyak sesuai dengan permintaan kita. Selain itu mereka juga mau di minta tolong dengan family untuk fotoin loh, dan mereka juga bantu arahin gaya. OH 1 lagi pas foto group, yang turun untuk fotoin Artha loh leadernya. We appreciate that!

OH YA untuk hasil foto semua cepet banget H+1 biasa kita udah dikasih teaser, dan 1 bulan udah dikasih all photo edit! Kita as a bride and groom, family sangat puas dan happy banget dengan Kairos,. Semoga Kairos terus dapat berkarya dan semakin mengembangkan sayapnya! Kita sangat-sangat rekomendasi vendor ini! ❤️ ❤️

See Andy & Deasy Photos

Tria Valentina

Kairos Won The Best Vendor Nomination In Our Heart

They have the most amazing people in the team. We immediately had Kairos in mind when we met them at the Bridestory Fair, it was indeed one of the best decision we've ever made. We had prewedding and wedding session with Kairos, all of them were professionally fun and enjoyable. We are also very happy with moments captured, whoever is assigned, all the pictures and video are beyond our expectation. The team are helpful and generous, although Covid-19 hit and we had changes in plan, Kairos made it feels easier by allowing us to reschedule.

Their studio feels like home, we were also greeted by a friendly dog named Kimo :)

Thank you, Kairos, for making our memorable day stays!

See Edo & Tria Photos

Dessy Chrisanti

Not Everything Is Cancelled.

Carried out a wedding ceremony amidst a pandemic situation, never before imagined in our lives.. Since the beginning of this pandemic, we have never hesitated to keep going and not delay things, which in a period of looming uncertainty, it was very difficult to keep things under control. That's why in preparing wedding details, we were supported by the amazing vendors, one of which was Kairos Works. The first time we saw their work, at that instant we decided to choose them to capture our lifetime moment, and turned out it was the right choice. They really listened to client well and provided supportive ideas. The photo session also went smoothly even with an outbreak condition and large-scale social activity restrictions like this, it did not affect our enjoyment during photoshoot.

Not everything is cancelled, Sunshine is not cancelled, Love is not cancelled, Hope is not cancelled, so just keep doing your great work!

Thanks for being a part of our wedding day! We really hope all of your clients can have an amazing experience like the one we had.

See Robert & Dessy Photos

Sevilla Novita

It's really different when someone work with their heart

We found them on some forum talking about pre-wedding photographers. as we were browsing through many many choices, a few stuck to mind. So then we contacted our choices. But only one stuck in our mind, Kairos Works. the hospitality they give is 5-star Hotel class. Not just Agnes (Customer Relation), but the whole team and how they understand the clients to better know what suits us more.

Our pre-wedding session captured and shot by Klaus & Matthew. It was really a fun process despite of all the drama we made. They taught us every single move LITERALLY, they way we laugh, walk, move, smile in order to look good in camera as we are really a stiff couple ;p. But the results are amazing. We can't imagine we can be that good in photo and even in video we really look so natural and happy.

4Hr session by Amel & Anton also very enjoyable. Doesn't have so much drama as we only do it indoor. But the results are amazing, I really love every single photo captured by them. We really loved the LED projection part.

And here come the BIG DAY. When we saw Artha's portfolio, we know that we are going to choose him as our wedding photographer. I don’t know how to explain at that time, but I just said that his results are suitable for my wedding. Fast forward to today, I know what to say, He captured every single moments, expression, things that meaningful to us even the smallest part. We only saw the teaser now as our wedding day just 3 days ago (400+ photos teaser and all have been edited) but the result already beyond our expectation. For William the one behind our awesome SDE, if we sit while watching the SDE I would give you standing applause, but we already stand on the stage. I want to give you a flying applause if I could ;D. He rushed within 30 minutes to make the SDE because I requested my first dance to be inserted to the SDE and he able to do it.

When the word THANK YOU is just not enough. I don't know how to express my gratitude to them


With Love, Chris & Sevi

See Christoforus & Sevilla Photos